Operation STEM

Fall 2024 Hiring


Do you enjoy solving math problems?

Do you enjoy helping your peers?

Consider becoming an SPT!

Job Description

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How to Apply

You will apply for this position via Microsoft Forms. However, there are a few things you need before you can submit your application.

You will need to update your resume and reach out to a supervisor, coach, SPT, or math instructor for a letter of recommendation. Their letter of recommendation should highlight your work ethic and skills.

You can submit your resume and complete the application here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/WWFCTHW

Please share the following link with the individual writing your letter of recommendation. They will need to submit it here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/WWTH7BB

Review of applications will begin the week of April 8th. After this date, applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until all job openings are filled.